Sunday, February 16, 2025

Beliefs about the Afterlife (LXXXIV)

In the previous chapter we ended still focusing attention upon the power that will be possessed by the transformed saints in the resurrection of the just, of what is involved in their bodies being "raised in power." We also connected this focus on power with the words of the apostle when he spoke of "the powers of the age to come." We stated our firm belief that this power will be equal to the power of the angels and be God-like, which includes having the abilities associated with the nine miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, or even to have greater powers than those, for they are compared to "childish things" by the apostle. Full maturity and perfection for saints comes in the resurrection experience.  

In reference to the resurrected and glorified body of Christ Jesus Paul speaks of him having the "power of an endless (or indestructible) life" (Heb. 7: 16). This power of an immortal body will also characterize all the transformed saints in the day of the resurrection. This power will not be limited to the body, but will include the soul and spirit, or the intellect, and include psychic powers. It seems to be what the status and work of saints in glory demands, because as we saw in earlier chapters, the saints will be ruling as priests and kings over the nations of the earth and such miraculous gifts and powers would be useful. Recall also these words of the apostle Paul: "For it was not to angels that God subjected the world to come, of which we are speaking." (Heb. 2: 5 ESV) So, who is in charge of the age to come? Answer: Christ and his glorified saints. The world will be subject to them and governed by them. 


The Ubermensch is a concept in philosophy that describes a human ideal and a goal for humanity, coined by Friedrich Nietzsche in 1883. The term translates to "overman" or "superman" in English. Nietzsche presents the Ubermensch in his 1883 book Thus Spoke Zarathustra. In the book, Nietzsche's character Zarathustra posits the Ubermensch as a goal for humanity. Nietzsche is the same philosopher who wrote "God is dead." His ideal man, his super man, was a man who evolved and who recognized no god but himself, who was not shackled by outdated morals and religion. Of course, each person has his own idea about what a utopia would be like, and what an ideal or super man would be. Christians see Christ as the superman, and also believe that they will become supermen when they are fully conformed to the image of Christ. This makes us think of the debate going on today about "transhumanism." Said a source (See here)

"In 2009, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner wrote a famous essay comparing Nietzsche’s philosophy with transhumanism, the view that human beings can evolve beyond their present physical and mental state, especially by means of science. Not surprisingly, he found some strong overlap between the two." 

Transhumanism is the position that human beings should be permitted to use technology to modify and enhance human cognition and bodily function, expanding abilities and capacities beyond current biological constraints. Transhumanists believe that by using emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and cryonics, humans can: Extend their lifespans, slow or reverse the aging process, enhance their cognitive and sensory abilities, make the human body more resistant to disease, etc. Transhumanists often advocate for the "supers" of super intelligence, super longevity, and super happiness. Said one source on this (Britannica encyclopedia):

"Transhumanism, philosophical and scientific movement that advocates the use of current and emerging technologies—such as genetic engineering, cryonics, artificial intelligence (AI), and nanotechnology—to augment human capabilities and improve the human condition. Transhumanists envision a future in which the responsible application of such technologies enables humans to slow, reverse, or eliminate the aging process, to achieve corresponding increases in human life spans, and to enhance human cognitive and sensory capacities. The movement proposes that humans with augmented capabilities will evolve into an enhanced species that transcends humanity—the “posthuman.”"

What scientists are attempting to do in this goal is what God will accomplish by his own divine power, and by his infinite wisdom. It will not involve humans becoming part machine. No doubt the biblical picture of the glorified man shows him to be a superman in body, soul, spirit, and mind. The senses will be greatly improved, the eye seeing better and with greater clarity, even from far distances, much like the eagle, or see through objects like superman's x-ray vision; The ear hearing better, the olfactory system superior, etc. Above all, the brain will be set free so that cognitive ability will be far superior to man, either as originally created or as in his fallen condition. This will include the ability to remember, the saints then having what may be called a photographic memory, on the level with computers. The ability to think, reason, and solve problems, be it in math or logic, will also no doubt be greatly augmented. 

The transformation to the bodies of the saints on the day of resurrection will be unlike the kind we see today in science fiction (but also now in real science to some degree) where humans have machine parts and neural implants, being part flesh and part machine, being "cyborgs," bionic humans, or even androids. 

One leading text on the super human condition of resurrected, transformed, and glorified saints is this one from the prophet Isaiah where he writes:

"28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 31 but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (Isa. 40: 28-31 kjv)

Though this may be applied to some degree to the soul or spirit of regenerate men and women in their persevering in faith and holiness, yet it cannot be the primary nor only application. It surely must apply to the new glorious heavenly bodies that the saints will obtain in the day of resurrection and glorification. All agree that the resurrection bodies will not grow old, become wearied, or lack energy. Well, this text in Isaiah is affirming that very thing; And, it adds some additional abilities. It speaks of constant renewal, a thing we spoke much about in earlier chapters when speaking of the water of life, the river of life, the book of life, the tree of life, the light of life, etc. All these are the means of renewal. Isaiah includes the ability to fly, a thing which Jesus himself did after his resurrection, ascending and descending between heaven and earth, and finally flying off from the first heaven, through the second heaven, and to the third heaven. As I have stated in previous chapters, saints will have ability to teleport at the speed of light, to move as fast as angels who also fly in the midst of the heavens. (Dan. 9: 21; Rev. 14: 6; etc.) 

"The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills." (Hab. 3: 19 nkjv; See also II Sam. 22:34; Psa. 18: 33)

Surely this giving of strength to the feet so that they are like deer's feet and therefore able to walk the high hills will be true of the bodies that are raised in power. 

In summation, there will be no weakness in the transformed bodies of the saints. Those bodies will radiate power as well as radiant light and glory. 

Flesh & Blood Excluded

"Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption." (I Cor. 15: 50)

If one did not have the balance of scripture as a context, nor the immediate context, the affirmation that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God would seem to say that the new bodies will not have flesh or blood. That would seem to suggest that the bodies would be aerial and non-physical. But, we know that this is not true for even in the immediate context Paul speaks of different kinds of flesh and bodies, indicating that the transformed bodies of saints will still have flesh and bodies, though not the same kind as they had in their earthly bodies. Further, we know that the resurrected body of Christ still had flesh and bones for he said to his disciples after his resurrection - "Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” (Luke 24: 39 nkjv) Some find it meaningful that the text does not mention "blood," saying "flesh and bones" rather than "flesh and blood." Some think that the new body will not have blood. They may be right. It is one of those things that cannot be definitely proven. Remember that the bible teaches that "life is in the blood."  (Lev. 17:11; See also, Gen. 9:4; Deut. 12:23; John 6:53-54) It may be that the body becoming spiritual means that the work of blood in the body is now done by the work of spirit in the body. 

However, it may be rather that the blood and the flesh will be greatly enhanced. That is what Paul affirms according to the majority opinion. The flesh and the blood of natural earthly bodies, bodies weakening and dying, bodies corruptible, cannot enter into the spiritual kingdom of heaven. They must be made spiritual and heavenly to enter into that state. So, what is a spiritual body? What is spiritual flesh and blood? That is not easy to answer. Wrote Guzik in his commentary:

"Paul is not saying, “material things cannot inherit the kingdom of God,” because Jesus’ resurrection body was a material body. Flesh and blood, in this context, means “our present bodies.” Jesus’ resurrection body was not a “pure spirit” body, but a material body described as flesh and bones (Luke 24:39) instead of flesh and blood. This may seem like a small distinction to us, but it must be an important distinction to God." (1 Corinthians 15 Commentary)

I think that is correct.


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Beliefs about the Afterlife (LXXXX)

This chapter will be the conclusion of this long series on the afterlife and life in eternity. Like the apostle said "now of the things...