Saturday, February 15, 2025

Beliefs about the Afterlife (xxv)

That is the question we began to consider in the previous chapter. And the answer is? Well, it is yes and no. It is the same in that it is eternal or unending and in the fact that it involves torment. However, it does seem that there is within that paradigm some difference of degree of punishment. Consider also the fact that the first occupants of hell (such as Cain) have been in the torments of Hell longer than anyone else. So, let us consider a few more things as we delve deeper into this aspect of our subject.

Guilty Of All

"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment." (James 2: 10-13)

We mentioned this text in the previous chapter. This text seems to say that all are equally guilty and if equally guilty then equally punished. 

It does not mean that those who go to Hell have committed every possible transgression. Further, as we will see, there are degrees of sin and severer punishments corresponding thereto. The same thing is also said by Paul in these words: 

“Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.” (Gal. 3:10). 

There are thus sins of omission as well as commission. Everyone is thus, in a sense, equally cursed. They are equally guilty of the whole law and equally cursed. But, consider that every law breaker is a criminal, but not all criminals have committed the same crimes or are equally punished. All sinners receive the same penalty, which is death. (Romans 6:23) But as it only takes one crime to make one a criminal, so it only takes one sin to make one a "transgressor of the law." 

It can also be argued that all the ten commandments are interrelated so that to commit one involves the others in some sense or degree. To not love God with all the heart makes one an idolater (for something else is put in the place of God), and robs God of his glory, and is a spiritual adulterer and fornicator in that idolatry, etc. But that is not what James has in mind for he says a lawbreaker may have "committed no adultery" and "yet kill" according to James. True, to commit adultery is to kill in a sense, for it often kills a family, and other things. But, again that is not what James is saying. He is simply saying that we are all in the same group, that group going by the name of "transgressors." One transgression is all it takes to become a member of the group of the guilty and condemned. "Transgressors" is like the words "felons" or "criminals." In such words we see both genus and difference, or groups and subgroups, for not all felons and criminals are equal in the "degree" and in the heinousness of the crime. Thus we speak of felons in the first degree, or second, etc. In the laws given to Moses we see a classification of crimes in which some are viewed as more criminal and received greater punishment. 

Greater Sins & Condemnation

"Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." (John 19: 11 NIV)

You can hear it said by many of the biblically illiterate populace that "there are no big and little sins." Well, that is not exactly right. If such words are interpreted to mean that any sin, even the smallest, brings eternal damnation, then it is true. However, it cannot be true if it intends to say that all sin is equal in its heinousness or moral evil. Murder is more a crime than is penny-ante pilfering. Even in human criminal statutes we have both misdemeanors and felonies and classes within those two. The apostle John wrote of "sin unto death" and "sin not unto death" I his first epistle (5th chapter). 

Further, we have quantitative adjectives for both sin and righteousness. Concerning the latter Jesus said "except your righteousness exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 5: 20) Christ also said:

“But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" (Matt. 6: 23)

There are also scriptures that speak of wickedness being "great" (Gen. 6: 5; I Sam. 12:17; Job 22: 5; etc.). And, in the above text, the sin and guilt of Judas was "greater" than others who had a hand in the wrongful arrest and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ.   

Christ also said:

"While all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples, 46 “Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. 47 They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.” (Luke 20: 45-47)

Again, the word "most" is a comparative word denoting quantity. Some will be punished "most severely" and others less. 

Further, Jesus spoke of the "unpardonable sin" which is greater than all sins. Said the Lord Jesus:

"Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come." (Matt 12:31–32; See also Mark 3:28-29 and Luke 12:10)

Another scripture that shows the same fact is this:

"Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall incur a stricter judgment ('greater condemnation' KJV)." (James 3:1-2)

It doesn't seem that the stricter judgment or greater condemnation of this passage refers to punishments in this life alone. Observation shows otherwise. So too the scriptures. The fact is, some of the most wicked people have lived long and suffered little, in this life, while some of the most godly have suffered much in this life. Further, we are told in scripture that some sinners are punished doubly so, in comparison with other sinners. Notice these texts that show this:

"Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her." (Rev. 18: 6)

"Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her forced labor has been completed; her iniquity has been pardoned. For she has received from the hand of the LORD double for all her sins." (Isaiah 40: 2)

 "And I will first repay them double their iniquity and their sin, because they have defiled My land with the carcasses of their detestable idols, and they have filled My inheritance with their abominations." (Jeremiah 16:18)

It seems that those who knew the truth and turned from it incur severer punishment than those who sin in ignorance. They may be said to receive double, not double what they deserve, but double what some others receive. 

The 18th century Baptist theologian, in his commentary on Matthew 23: 14 and the words "therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation" says (emphasis mine):

"both on account of their plundering and distressing the poor, the widows, and the fatherless; and also because of their hypocrisy in doing this under the cover of religion and holiness. Hence it appears, that there are degrees of punishment in hell, and that hypocrites, and all such who oppress the poor, under the mask of godliness, supposing gain to be that, will be partakers of the greatest degree of it." (Gill's Commentary on Matt. 23: 14)

I believe that is what the scriptures teach. The next question to address then is to describe how one person's eternal punishment can be more severe than another's eternal punishment. We have already seen that one sin is sufficient to warrant a person being guilty of the whole law and to bring eternal punishment. We have said that "eternal" punishment does not mean infinite in degree, but in length of time. 

Pains Of Conscience

Pains of conscience will not be the same. The mental anguish of Hell cannot be underestimated. It is as great as any pain to the bodies, which are as the worms of Gehenna, which die not.  It is a place where the body burns and feels intense pain and yet is not consumed. Gehenna (Hell) is the place “Where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.” (Mark 9: 44, 46, 48) 

John Gill comments in his commentary:

"The passage referred to, is in (Isaiah 66:24), and as there, the words are spoken of such, as transgressed against the Lord; so here, of such as offended any of Christ's little ones, or were offended by an hand, a foot, or eye, and retained them: by their worm is meant, their conscience; for as a worm that is continually gnawing upon the entrails of a man, gives him exquisite pain; so the consciences of sinners, will be continually flying in their faces, bringing their sins to remembrance, accusing them of them, upbraiding them with them, aggravating them, tormenting them for them, filling them with dreadful anguish and misery, with twinging remorses, and severe reflections, and which will never have an end. This will be always the case; conscience will be ever distressing, racking, and torturing them; it will never cease, nor cease doing this office, and so the Chaldee paraphrase of ( Isaiah 66:24 ) renders this phrase, (Nwtwmy al Nwhtmvn), "their souls shall not die"; but shall ever continue in the dreadful torments and unspeakable horrors of a corroding conscience; and by "the fire" may be meant the fire of divine wrath let into their souls, which will never be extinguished; and so Jarchi interprets the phrase in (Isaiah 66:24)..." (emphasis mine)

Thus we can answer two of our questions, which are:

1) How can there be degrees of punishment in Hell when it is equally "eternal" for all? If all are equally in the fires of Hell, how then can one be more in the fire than others?

2) Since each doomed soul has lost all good, how then can any single one have more or less good than another? Does "eternal" not only designate the duration of the ordained punishment but the quality of that punishment too? So that "eternal punishment" includes also the idea of "infinite in kind and degree"?

Some will suffer greater mental torments and agonies than others. Further, those who have sinned less, and who did not sin against light (people who knew better), will be tormented less. But in all cases the condemned will suffer most from the knowledge that they had rejected the knowledge of God and the way of salvation. 

Do the prisoners of Hell not get some good out of conversing with their fellow prisoners? Or, will they all be in "solitary confinement"? Will they be able to enjoy interacting with other prisoners? Will they be able to play games, have hobbies and pursuits, and other things for prisoners to do? On these questions we have nothing to offer but speculation for the scripture does not elaborate on the kind of existence the damned in eternal hell will experience.

The Justness of Eternal Punishment

Is eternal punishment just? Is it viciousness? It is safe to say that one of the most hated doctrines of the Christian faith (and Muslim belief also) is the belief in eternal punishment, especially the idea that most human beings will go to Hell rather than to Heaven. Further, it seems that all who go to Hell believe that they have been sent to Hell unjustly, that the punishment doesn't fit the crime, that it is too harsh. Rather than spending time confessing to God their sins they will rather spend their time denouncing him, cursing him, and spewing venomous hate against their Sovereign Lord. This is what is involved in hell's prisoners characteristically gnashing their teeth and screaming insults and blasphemies against the monarchy of Heaven, as we have written about in previous chapters. 

The justness of eternal punishment may be seen by considering several things. It is rejected by atheists, agnostics, and by several religions. Those who reject it believe either in annihilation of the unforgiven or in their salvation after a period of "serving time" in the prison of Hell. But, as we have seen, the bible does not teach either annihilation or universal salvation. It does not view the punishment of Hell as rehabilitation nor as reformatory or remedial. 

Will God ever relent and grant salvation to those who have suffered long in Hades or Gehenna? There is no scripture that indicates it. In fact, we have these words that seem to say that there is no reform of Hell's prisoners.

“He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” (Rev. 22: 11)

The sentence seems severe to many because they fail to grasp the enormity of sin which is an act of rebellion against God. Those sinners who refuse God's offer of pardon are said to be at war with God, having "enmity" against him. (Rom. 8: 7) They chose the kingdom of darkness and the rule of Satan rather than the rule of God and so they get the punishment of a traitor who is guilty of treason against God and Heaven. In their lives they live as "enemies to God in their minds by wicked works" (See Col. 1: 21). On the text in Rev. 22: 11 John Gill writes the following in his commentary (emphasis mine):

"...the meaning of this expression is, he that is now found without a righteousness, and full of all unrighteousness, and acts unrighteously, will continue so; there will be no change made in him, no regeneration, renovation, repentance, or reformation; he will remain the same wicked man he ever was; or he that hurts, or does injury to his fellow creatures, will still do mischief; at least he will have the same inclination, though not the opportunity and power, but will attempt it, of which there will be an instance in the wicked dead, when raised (Revelation 20: 8)." 

In answering the question "How is an eternity in hell a just punishment for only a human lifetime of sin?" (See here) the "Got Questions" Christian apologetic web page says (emphasis mine):

"Second, the idea that we cease sinning after death is not taught in the Bible. Are those who go to hell suddenly sinless and perfect? No. Those who go into eternity without Christ will be confirmed in their wickedness. The hard-hearted will be eternally hard-hearted. There will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth” in hell (Matthew 25:30), but no repentance. Sinners in hell will be given over to their own nature; they will be sin-infected, evil, immoral, and depraved beings for all of eternity, forever unredeemed and unregenerate. The lake of fire will be a place of eternal rebellion against God—even as that rebellion is judged (Revelation 20:14–15; cf. Revelation 16:9, 11). Unsaved people do not only sin for 70, 80, 90, or 100 years. They sin for eternity."

That seems clearly to be the teaching of Rev. 22: 11 and it shows that there is no offer of salvation after being sentenced and locked up in Hell's Prison. The text does not say 

"he who is filthy let him be rehabilitated in Hell and when he has completely 'learned his lesson' he can be set free and suffered to enter into the happy Eden of Paradise."  

Further, temporary punishment cannot equal the crime of rebellion against God and Heaven. When we let prisoners loose from prison because they have served their time (sentence) we say that their "debt has been paid," meaning what the criminal owed to the government (or society) has been paid. But, the crime of treason against God and to follow Satan is so heinous that it demands unending punishment. 

Consider too what Got Questions says: "What it comes down to is this—if a person wants to be separated from God for eternity, God will grant that desire." 

This makes me think of that treatise I wrote on the expression used in the old testament when someone died, when they say that the departed was "gathered unto his people." I showed that this is true with both the righteous and the wicked. Each goes to his or her kind of people when they leave this world and enter the world of the dead. Further, the mindset of Hell's eternal prisoners will be as depicted by poet John Milton in his classic work "Paradise Lost" where Satan says "better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." Milton also pictures the fallen angels working together to build their structure called "Pandemonium" and also engaged in discussions with other groups of criminal angels, or figuring out enterprises in which to engage and thus help them alleviate their pain. In a way they will become what is called "institutionalized." Hell will become "home" to them. 

Recall that Jesus taught the truth of eternal punishment. He said: "And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matt. 25: 46) Oftentimes those who believe in annihilation will contend that annihilation and/or non existence is an eternal punishment. That is possible in the way we speak of things among men, but in the scriptures eternal punishment is seen as what is being constantly experienced consciously. We saw that in the story of the rich man and Lazarus. We saw it also in Isaiah 14 where the inhabitants of the wicked in Sheol were all conscious.

Hades is a Jail and Gehenna a Prison

In previous chapters we have shown the difference between "Hades" and "Gehenna." Those in Hades are described as "spirits in prison" (I Peter 3: 19) as we have seen in previous chapters. In many ways human prisons are like the prisons of Hades and Gehenna. 

Both human prisons and divine prisons are intended to punish people for crimes committed. Both have guards who guard the prison. Both have sections, levels, or wards. Even those inmates with life sentences, and without possibility of parole, are often segregated based on the crime and the violent nature of the inmate. Why would we not think that Hell likewise was segregated?

So, what will existence be like in Hell? Well, we do not have concrete details. It is called a "lake of fire" and for this reason it is called torment and punishment. People in the time of the Apocalypse, or "day of the Lord," or "day of wrath," will get a taste of Gehenna when the fifth angel with one of the last bowls of divine wrath is poured upon earth's wicked. Says the text:

"...they gnawed their tongues for pain, And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds." (Rev. 16: 10-11)


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Beliefs about the Afterlife (LXXXX)

This chapter will be the conclusion of this long series on the afterlife and life in eternity. Like the apostle said "now of the things...